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    What You Should Know About the Stages of the Microblading Procedure


    Inna Bond

    5 min read


    Preliminary Consultation
    At this stage, the PMU Artist explains the procedure, starting with the technique and colour to be used. Firstly, it is necessary to stylize the eyebrows, so that the arrows are combined with the shape of the eyes and eyebrows.
    The Permanent Makeup Procedure consists of the following steps:
    — cleansing of the skin of the eyelids and areas around the eyes from cosmetics;— degreasing the skin with a special liquid, not containing alcohol;— drawing a sketch with a special pencil;— application of the anesthesia with the help of a cream or gel;— formation of the contour along the line of eyelash growth;— drawing the strokes from the contour onto the prepared shape.— removal of the residue.
    Is Microblading a painful procedure?
    No, when performed correctly under topical anesthetic, microblading can be painless. The Anesthetic is applied approximately 20 minute before the initial procedure, this is called the "pre-numb".
    The pre-numb anesthetics is in a cream form, and are usually 5%-10% lidocaine. The most obvious benefit to pre-numbing is that the skin will be completely frozen during the first part of the treatment. Next, once the skin is opened, the secondary anesthetic can be applied. It can be in the form of lidocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine, or combination of the three. The secondary anesthetics come in either a gel or liquid form, and is designed to enter the broken skin quickly. The numbing effect can last up to 45 minutes to an hour.
    Final stage — recommendations for skin care after the procedure
    In general, Permanent Makeup takes approx, One and a Half to Two hours, depending on the desired result and the chosen technique.
    Immediately after the procedure, the skin may not look it's best. This is a natural skin reaction to intervention. With proper care and after a very short time, the eyelids will completely heal. Expect a maximum time of 1-2 weeks.

    The normal skin reaction to the procedure includes:
    — Swelling of the eyelids. Due to increased blood circulation in the intervention zone which decreases with the use of a cooling cream or gel.— Redness and itching. This is a normal skin reaction to micro-lesions.— Feeling "sand" in the eyes. This symptom is easily eliminated by eye drops.— Crust The appearance of crust means that the permanent makeup is healing well, DO NOT tear it OFF.

    A day after applying the pigment edema should return to normal, including any outstanding symptoms.

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